Thursday, December 9, 2010

First and Hopefully NOT the Last Post

So I figured since the Hubby just got deployed, I should start a blog to keep track of my daily adventures while he's gone ! Its been almost a week and so far so good. I have heard from him everyday and he is doing well. His unit has been in Iraq since last March and they will be coming home in 3 months : ) (I am already counting the days)
We recently just re located to Colorado and so far I LOVE IT ! The Spring has every physical activity anyone could possibly ask for. There is no excuse not to be in tip top shape while living in the Springs. So my goal throughout these 3 months while the Hubby is deployed is to become in TIP TOP SHAPE ! I plan not only to workout everyday but workout to the point where I can not workout anymore.
So far this week I have accomplished my goal.....I have been running everyday and either biking or doing the elliptical. I have always wanted to run 13.1 miles so I am going to try to accomplish at least 10 in the 3 month period. I also plan to start weight lifting (again) in the upcoming weeks. I have always wanted that great flat six pack stomach and I am determined to at least get it flat : ). I figured I need to fill my time with something so why not exercise? I will keep you posted on how the journey is coming along as well as my daily life. Stay tuned for hopefully many more posts to come : )

PS- I am probably the WORST writer there is so forgive : )

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